Harnessing ‘The Covid Catalyst’: aligning your Employer and Customer brand

The current pandemic is accelerating trends already in motion pre-crisis, including a growing need for businesses to have a more compelling ‘Employer Brand’ that aligns perfectly with their customer-facing brand.
How can you take this opportunity to create a more attractive company culture and ‘employee value proposition’ to attract and retain the best talent?
How does your ‘Employer Brand’ link with the messaging and image presented to customers by your marketing?
On 14th October I will be leading an interactive online lunchtime workshop for the Kent CIPD Branch to give you a clearer understanding about why it is even more crucial to be investing in your people to become the employer of choice right now.
You will get fresh insight to enable you to navigate the challenges of our ‘new normal’, to become a better leader and champion for your people and create a greater place to work.
This session is free of charge and open to all, you just need to register in advance to access the Zoom link here