How Client Focussed are you?

When you start out in business you may be open to working with anyone and everyone to get yourself up and running. But as time goes by you’ll discover that some people are in greater need of your services, and more able or willing to pay, than others.
You will also find that there are some people who are easier for you to reach out to with your marketing effort and some will be more profitable or bring other rewards such as job satisfaction or higher profile work.
Going through this process to find the perfect clients can involve a great deal of trial-and-error, which will often be time-consuming and energy-sapping.
The best way to short-cut this is to start out with a clear focus on your target market by developing a well-defined ‘ideal client profile’.
This will involve segmenting your current and ideal customer base into different groups. Then going through an exercise to assess the relative size and potential for each one. Then profiling each group in greater detail to understand their demographics and psychographic characteristics.
Even if you are selling business services to other businesses you can still undertake this exercise to understand exactly which types of businesses will be the best fit for you, and also to work out how best to build better relationships with key individuals (influencers and decision-makers) within these businesses.
How clear is your Client Focus?
You can get my expert support to create and action a marketing for your year ahead with my new online group programme, SEEDS TO SUCCESS, starting from 30th September. Find out more and take my FREE QUIZ to see how you can make your marketing more fruitful at