Is it time to add some rocket fuel to explode your business growth?

o lead your business to future success, you need a clear Vision, Mission and defined set of Values.
Engaging your team and other stakeholders with the Passion, Purpose and Principles which underpin your company is fundamental.
Keeping everyone aligned and motivated, decision-making becomes easier when you have taken the time to get clarity on these core issues. Once you start communicating these effectively, you will then find you naturally attract the perfect employees, partners and customers.
What is the Passion that fuels your business and how connected do you and your team feel to it?
What kind of impact does your business seek to make in the world?
What are the most important aspects of your working culture and ‘how you do things’ that you want others to understand?
When did you last take time out to review your business Vision, Mission and Values? Do you even have a document that articulates this clearly for others to read and understand?
Join me and a select group of business leaders on Friday 6th October for VISION IGNITION – a half-day workshop to get to core of your brand and lay the foundation for a more fruitful marketing strategy.
You will get space and time to think through these important questions, as you’re guided through a series of enjoyable creative thinking exercises to get to the core of your brand and lay the foundation for your marketing strategy.
The morning will be facilitated by Anwen Cooper, Director of Get Fruitful Marketing and author of The Get Fruitful Marketing Playbook. Anwen is a marketing strategist with 15 years experience working with more 70 different organisations to achieve record-breaking sales and an improved bottom line. You can read more about her and her business at
Join Anwen and a select group of like-minded business leaders for a transformational morning that will set you up to future-proof your business and take you to the next level.
Find out more and book your place here: