Leading the charge on wellbeing in the workplace

How can you improve your own wellbeing and champion health as a strategy to boost your business?
As a business leader it can be difficult to find time to focus on your own health and fitness when you’re juggling lots of priorities. By setting a good example for your team you could be saving up to £3,748 per employee per year whilst increasing your own health and happiness. If you’re interested in improving employee engagement, skyrocketing productivity and attracting and retaining top talent make sure to join us for a wellbeing event like no other.
The next Bright Minds In Business I am co-hosting will be exploring this theme.
You can come and hear from Pip Lawrence, Founder of Day One Wellness and creator of the Recalibrate Wellbeing programme, and Alistair Bell, Managing Director of ThermoSphere, a leading manufacturer of electric underfloor heating products who has personally experienced the Recalibrate programme and is proving the benefits by rolling this out within his organisation. Plus you can visit the Wellbeing People Interactive Health Kiosk for a personalised Health MOT and test your knowledge on their Wellbeing Station.
Join in facilitated discussions to better understand this increasingly important issue and find out how other businesses have enjoyed reduced staff turnover and sickness as well as increased productivity by focusing on employee and senior leadership wellness.
Find out more and register for you place at brightmindsinbusiness.co.uk