Why Marketing Your Own Business Can Be So Hard (and what to do about it) Part 3

In today’s blog I wanted to share the third most common challenge I see facing business owners who are struggling to manage their own marketing: lack of objectivity.
When you are the founder, owner or manager of a small business, your attention may be focused mostly on ‘what you do’, or the product or service that your company delivers- ensuring that you give an excellent customer service, managing suppliers and a team, plus overseeing other back-office operations, including admin and financial tasks and management. It’s hard therefore to be 100% focussed on seeing things from your customers’ perspective.
Sometimes it is difficult to see clearly see the value you bring, where the opportunities for growth may, how best to communicate and the best way forward to grow your business. You may just be too close to your own business, and need an outsider to bring fresh insight and more objectivity. This can also affect your mindset and levels of confidence when it comes to marketing and business development. It can feel uncomfortable to shout about your success and raise your profile to attract new clients. You might view marketing as being like ‘showing off’ or a ‘hard-sell’ but it doesn’t have to be like that!
Partnering with a marketing expert to reframe your approach, identify your true value, and map out a way to attract more and better clients with ease can have a profoundly transformative impact – both on you as an individual and your business success.
Drop me a line if you’d like to find out if Get Fruitful Marketing could bring fresh insight and objectivity to enable you and your business to grow.
If you missed them, click here to read the first post in this blog series and click here for part two.